Tobacco companies make people poor, because they hook them on a product that's expensive to buy; and they have to keep buying it, because they're addicted to it. You'll notice that people who smoke tend to be on a lower economic scale. Part of that is the vicious feedback cycle; if you start smoking, you will get poorer. As you get poorer, you will continue to smoke more because life is terrible and you need your nicotine high just to feel okay. Thus, it's a downward spiral into oblivion.
Much the same is true with prescription drugs in terms of the economic scale and the loss of good, clear decision making abilities. One thing I've noticed is that when people begin taking prescription drugs, not only do they immediately suffer a big economic hit (remember that 50 percent of all bankruptcies in the United States today are due to medical bills, including prescription drugs), they also tend to lose the ability to make good decisions.
Many of these drugs, especially statin or antidepressant drugs, for example, affect people's mental acuity. They result in a loss of lucidity, which results in people no longer comprehending the big picture, and no longer making good decisions. When people can't make good decisions, they ultimately decide to allow the doctor to keep prescribing them more prescription drugs. They don't have the mental awareness to say no to the drugs. They keep taking more drugs, and they lose even more awareness. They get even less responsive, and retain less decision-making ability, and this just becomes another downward spiral.
As this is happening; they are being drained of their finances. So day after day dollars are leaving their pockets and being stuffed into the pockets of the corporate CEOs and the shareholders of the pharmaceutical companies. There's this huge transfer. Imagine dollar bills with little wings flying out of the pockets of people all around the country and flying into the corporate CEOs' pockets in the big buildings of the giant pharmaceutical companies of this country. That is happening every single day. I believe it's an exploitation of people for economic gain, for greed, by the pharmaceutical companies.
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