Thursday, May 30, 2013

New warning on pregnant smoking

Scientists examined 172 research papers published in the last 50 years to carry out the first comprehensive review of the physical effects of tobacco on newborn babies.
They found that smoking while pregnant increased the risk of having a baby with missing or deformed limbs by 26%.
The risk was raised by 28% for clubfoot, 27% for gastrointestinal defects, 33% for skull defects, 25% for eye defects, and 28% for cleft lip or palate.
A condition called gastroschisis, which causes parts of the stomach or intestines to protrude through the skin, carried the highest potential risk.
Smoking while pregnant increased the likelihood of giving birth to a baby with the condition by 50%.
The study, which looked at a total of 174,000 cases of malformation, was published online in the journal Human Reproduction.
Despite health warnings about the dangers of smoking while expecting a baby, 17% of pregnant UK women, and 45% of those under 20, still smoke.
Lead author Professor Allan Hackshaw, from University College London, said: "People may think that few women still smoke when pregnant. But the reality is that, particularly in women under 20, the numbers are still staggeringly high.
"Maternal smoking during pregnancy is a well established risk factor for miscarriage, low birthweight and premature birth. However, very few public health educational policies mention birth defects when referring to smoking and those that do are not very specific - this is largely because of past uncertainty over which ones are directly linked."

Friday, May 24, 2013

Amanda Bynes Kicked Out Of Gym For Smoking Weed On 4/20

Leave it up to Amanda Bynes to further baffle us after learning she was reportedly kicked out a New York gym for smoking weed this past weekend.
According to RumorFix, the former Nickelodeon star was booted from the Planet Fitness in Harlem and had her membership revoked, when she was discovered smoking marijuana in the women's locker room.
Of all the places to celebrate 4/20, we didn't think anyone would be doing it at a gym. A Planet Fitness employee, who told the website the gym "does not allow lunks to workout here, and especially no weed smokers," added that Bynes did not take the news that the company was canceling her membership very well, and was seen storming out.

Amanda Bynes flees apartment after threatened with eviction for smoking pot.

Amanda Bynes has reportedly moved out of her New York City apartment after receiving a threat of eviction from her building manager. The manager claims that Bynes was a shitty tenant, a “disrespectful rule-breaker,” a “building nuisance,” a scoundrel, a scofflaw, a scallywag, a Spicoli, and a fink. But rather than change her finky ways and stop smoking mountains of sticky marijuana-pot day and night (that’s the cool terminology, right? I am 100 years old), Bynes just packed up and moved. You’re not my dad, building manager! YOU CAN’T FIRE ME, I QUIT. Apparently things came to a head at Amanda’s building residence after a number of tenants began complaining about the overwhelming smell wafting into the corridors courtesy of her chilling the good shit. In fact the complaints escalated to that of Amanda even to at times smoking the good shit in the hallways. Then again management does stress it’s a no bullshit tolerating smoking building.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No more cigarettes means 10 more years for women

A massive new study about smoking cigarettes from the University of Oxford in the U.K. has reported breathtaking results. Doctors and researchers found the nasty effects associated with cigarettes years ago, but this study focused on the harms of smoking as well as the benefits of quitting. Putting aside the knowledge society has about cigarettes already, the findings of this study could serve as yet another motivation for smokers to quit.

One of the largest studies ever done on the subject, Sir Richard Peto - a professor at the University of Oxford -

Big Pharma = big-time poverty

Getting back to the main point of this, which is Big Tobacco and Big Pharma, we were talking about why people work for these organizations when these organizations are actually doing such evil, or engaging in the creation of such pain and suffering, and even death. Here in the United States, we're also talking about economic poverty created by both of these companies. Big Tobacco includes cigarettes.
Tobacco companies make people poor, because they hook them on a product that's expensive to buy; and they have to keep buying it, because they're addicted to it. You'll notice that people who smoke tend to be on a lower economic scale. Part of that is the vicious feedback cycle; if you start smoking, you will get poorer. As you get poorer, you will continue to smoke more because life is terrible and you need your nicotine high just to feel okay. Thus, it's a downward spiral into oblivion.

Cancer is no infectious disease

The idea that you can reverse cancer by taking a synthetic chemical compound or prescription drug is, at its very core, nonsense. Because there is no such infectious disease as "cancer," there is no microbial invader. In fact, there isn't even a tissue or a physical element that you can point to and look at under a microscope and say, "That is cancer."
Some people mistakenly say, "Well, sure you can. You can take a tumor out of the body, and you can put that under a microscope and call it cancer. However, that’s not cancer. That's the side effect of cancer, because cancer is a systemic failure of the immune system. It's a systemic disease. It is actually a condition. It is a lack of the body's ability to self-regulate its own cell growth, to clean up its own blood, tissues, bones, bone marrow, and so on.
This is the nature of cancer; you can't put that under a microscope and look at it. In the germ theory of disease, however, scientists are always trying to look at cancer under a microscope, where they can put it down and say, "This is the microbe, see? There's the virus" or "There's the bacteria" or "There's the parasite." They still try to do that today by saying, "Alzheimer's is based on the nervous system. Put it under a microscope and there you can see plaque. Plaque on the nervous system." They think that's the cause of the disease. It's not, it's just a side effect.