Friday, April 18, 2014

Tobacco advertising

The first advertisement in the USA that waws very known was for the snuff and tobacco products of P. Lollard and Company and was put in the New York newspaper in 1789. Regional and local daily papers were used because of the little production and transportation of these products. The first real brand name that became well known in the USA was "Bull Durham" in 1868, with the advertising saying how easy it was "to roll your own".
The development of color lithography in the 1870s let the companies create attractive, interesting images to present better their tobacco products. This led to the printing of those images onto the cigarette cards. Advertising was important in helping by the distribution of free branded cigarettes to troops during World War I and World War II.
The tobacco companies deny the fact that advertising has a very important role in influencing people to start smoking or just continue the habit. There were made some researches which show the opposite of the affirmation. They do encourage people to smoke.

When the government will realize the fact that tobacco harms people and there needs something to be done. Partial restrictions are good too, but still more effects have the total ones.

Partial effects are sometimes limited or don’t have any effect. Comprehensive bans in different forms on tobacco might have success in stopping the tobacco usage. Cigarette packaging has a big role like advertising restrictions when implemented.

The packet design has a role in showing the brand image and competing for future customers. There are many countries or states that are advocating plain packaging. For example in the tobacco industry there are banned some word like “Light” and “Mild”, because these words makes the impression that the cigarette are less harmful or contain less harmful ingredients.

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