Is Leonardo DiCaprio finally safe from his stalker? Should Leonardo DiCaprio's stalker face the maximum penalty? Should Leonardo DiCaprio ask that the judge does in order to send a message to all celebrity stalkers?
Almost every celebrity has had their run in with a crazy fan but what Leonardo DiCaprio had to deal with is worse than most.
Leonardo DiCaprio's stalker, Aretha Wilson, plead not guilty yesterday to glassing him in the face in 2005. The assault occurred during a Hollywood Hills house party. Leo DiCaprio needed 17 stitches to close the wound. Wilson has been in custody since she was extradited back to the United States from Canada last month and is currently being held on $150,000 bail. She faces up to four years behind bars if convicted.
You have to be special kind of crazy in order to stalk a celebrity. I will never understand what drives someone to do things like this. Fortunately, for DiCaprio's sake, he only needed stitches. It could have been much worse. If she was willing to hit him in the face with a broken bottle there is no telling what else she was capable of.
I really think that the judge in this case, if she is found guilty, need to impose the maximum sentence on her. He needs to do this in order to try to send a message to the rest of the crazies out there that this kind of behavior is not going to be tolerated and that you will go to jail for a long time if you do behave this way.
Leonardo DiCaprio got lucky, the next celebrity might not.
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