Set Romantic Dates with Your Spouse
Busy schedules, taking care of kids, and falling into routines can be the death of your romantic life with your partner, if you're not careful. While things like children and work are undoubtedly important, it's essential to make time for your relationship, too. Setting date nights for just the two of you, giving yourselves a weekend to get away by yourselves, and even just taking the time to enjoy sit-down meals together at home can provide the quality time necessary to maintain a close bond.
Hugs and kisses and little affectionate touches go a long way in this department, too. Think about all the things that you loved to do during those early days, and set aside a little time for those, too. Pinochle, square dancing, skinny skiing, whatever you're into.
Surprise Your Spouse With Romantic Gestures
Too often it's easy to let time go by without giving your relationship its due. Taking just a few minutes each day to let your partner know how much you care can make all the difference. Leaving sweet nothings on post-its can be a great way to bring a smile to your partner's face, and little things like doing the dishes, taking out the garbage, and making the bed -- especially when it's not your responsibility to do so anyway -- are actions that can speak louder than words. Of course, those three little magic words are something you should never forego, either. I love you.
Care for Yourself and Your Marriage
Keeping your body in shape and not letting your wardrobe consist solely of old college t-shirts and sweaters from the '80s are great ways to remind your partner that you're still into your relationship. It not only shows your partner that you're still interested in attracting them, it shows that you care about yourself and that you want them to take notice of you, too.
Communicate for a Healthy Marriage
But far and away the number one thing to remember in your relationship is to communicate. If you feel like you're being neglected in favor of work, or kids, or anything else, speak up. Likewise, if you feel like your once-fiery love life has somehow fizzled out, let your partner know how you feel. Avoid being accusatory or assigning blame, and instead focus on making things the way you want them. If you approach it right, you'll pretty likely to find you're not alone.
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